The Super Sale Program is used to drive traffic in-store through compelling offers on popular products in advance of key occasions. Participating products will be merchandised in our high-traffic engagement aisle for the duration of the sale. Suppliers are encouraged to apply with their best offer proposition.
This is an MPTS Applied Promotional Program. Please apply through MPTS directly before the deadline.
• 125+ Stores total
• Refer to the Participating Store List page (linked below) for stores and flighting information.
Assortment Requirement:
• Up to 12 high-volume/wide distribution SKUs with deep discount LTOs (effective FY26 P5)
Each Super Sale will run for one week, from Thursday until the following Wednesday. Super sales will coincide with the following occasions:

*Please apply for the Super Sale in P7 in MPTS.
These Super Sale Packages, inclusive of all opportunities and non-negotiable, are available for a rate of

*The supplier/agent will be charged based on the full reduction in retail for the number of units sold at the LTO price.