How to Apply For Promotional Opportunties
There are two types of promotional opportunities. Previously, they were referred to as Non-Applied and Applied. Note that we have changed the terminology to more clearly articulate the promotions and the application process.
They are now called Excel Applied and MPTS Applied Promotions, and refer specifically to the type of application that we require submitted by Trade Partners in each case:
For EXCEL APPLIED PROMOTIONS found in this document
• Complete the application form, “F25 Promotional Opportunities Excel Application Form,” that is found on • We expect to receive one file per supplier. If applying for promotional opportunities in multiple periods please indicate on the application form. • Mock-ups for all supplier produced merchandisers and enhanced activations are also required at the time of application. • Change the title of the document to include the applicant name (e.g. Agent or Vendor), and send the application file to Do not use any special characters in the Title of the file (e.g. “#” “+” “&”) |
For MPTS APPLIED PROMOTIONS found in this document, Trade partners can apply directly in MPTS.
• Successful applicants will be notified per the deadlines on the following page |
LCBO will consider several factors when reviewing applications:
• Size of the brand and growth trend
• LCBO benefit: Sales, up-sell potential, relevancy
• Alignment with LCBO seasonal themes, evergreen themes, and key consumer occasions.
• Consumer benefit: Education, solution, engagement, value
• Spirit of Sustainability information provided

Fiscal 2025/2026 Deadlines
To express interest in any Excel Applied programming, please complete the promotional application form in Excel provided on
Please note that due to compressed timelines, the deadline for Agents to submit revised promotional forecasts for approved programs is required immediately after approvals/declines are published for select periods.