Welcome to WEB PO
WEB PO is an efficient means to receive, confirm, request changes and indicate ready to ship for all LCBO Purchase Orders. This system provides comprehensive purchase order visibility to LCBO Vendors.
*Apply for Web PO Access
*Logon to WEB PO Application
More Information - Vendor Performance Program
Technical support - techsupport@LCBOsupport.com or 1-866-284-8311
Web PO Access Support - tpar@lcbo.com
Purchase Order Support - lcboorders@lcbo.com
Invoice questions - iSupplier
Labelling issues - quality.services@lcbo.com
Pricing corrections - pricing@lcbo.com
Vintage, Bar Code, UPC/SCC, or TiHi corrections - email your LCBO Buyer
Setting up EDI transactions with the LCBO - LCBO_EDI@lcbo.com