This display is a large rectangular table with two small adjacent square tables (or baskets in place of side tables), typically located towards the middle of the Power Aisle. It will be a tiered cake-style display in a handful of stores.
This display is meant to showcase a seasonal or regional WINES story. When Food & Drink releases are currently scheduled, this display will also feature the Food & Drink magazine and the product will be featured within a Food & Drink advertorial. This table may also be flighted between premium and standard stores. If table is flighted during a F&D launch, Premium flight receives F&D Advertorial.
This is an Excel Applied Promotional Program. Please apply by completing the Excel Application Form before the deadline.
Refer to the Participating Store List page (linked below) for stores and flighting information.
Assortment Requirement:
• 12 SKUs (including Value-Adds, if applicable). Feature Page:
• Click here for Feature Page details.
• Note in all instances of flighting and multiple participating brands, the Feature Page will be assigned to a flight at LCBO Merchandising’s discretion.
This Package, inclusive of all opportunities and non-negotiable, is available at the following rate:
Refer to the FY26 Promotional Opportunities document for Product Allocations by Period.
*Note that publication dates are subject to change
Document Downloads & Quick Links
Click here for the Participating Store List.
Click here for Supplier Guidelines.