Welcome to the Vendor Performance Program


Vendor performance programs align with retail best practices and are proven to build resilient supply chains, mitigate supply chain disruption and ease costs. The program also supports LCBO’s corporate strategies to provide excellence in the customer experience and operational efficiency – Together, we can deliver high standards of performance to ensure our customers get the products they want, when they want them. 

The program involves the implementation of two key performance indicators (KPIs), Order Confirmation and On-Time and In-full (OTIF). 


*Vendor Performance Program Guidelines and FAQs 



Review the Vendor Performance Program Guidelines and FAQs in the link above first.  

*For any changes to distribution lists/email addresses, email lcboorders@lcbo.com

*For agents wishing to get on the distribution list for Vendor Performance Program KPI results, email lcboorders@lcbo.com     

*For vendors wishing to get on the distribution list for Vendor Performance Program KPI results, email your agent 

*For Vendor Performance Program KPI disputes, email vendorperformancesupport@lcbo.com

*For information on Web PO, PO Terms and Conditions and LCBO Fee Schedule, visit Web PO

*For invoice questions, visit iSupplier on Doing Business with LCBO

*For WebPO technical support, e-mail techsupport@LCBOsupport.com or phone: 1-866-284-8311

*For setting up EDI transactions with the LCBO, email wendy.wang@lcbo.com

*For Web PO Access Support, e-mail tpar@lcbo.com

*For Purchase Order Support, e-mail lcboorders@lcbo.com     

*For Invoice questions, visit iSupplier

*For Labelling issues, e-mail quality.services@lcbo.com

*For Pricing corrections, e-mail pricing@lcbo.com

*For Vintage, Bar Code, UPC/SCC, or TiHi corrections - email your LCBO Buyer

*For setting up EDI transactions with the LCBO, e-mail wendy.wang@lcbo.com