We are pleased to provide you with the August 17 – October 5, 2022 Product Needs Schedule outlining opportunities for purchases and detailing product specifications and deadlines. We are moving from a bi-annual to a bi-monthly publishing schedule, to allow for more flexibility in our purchasing cadence. Changes in the grid include the addition of the approximate release timing and sku target for each Call. Vintages will be accepting submissions starting August 17, 2022. A full schedule of Needs publishing dates up to and including April 2023 is attached. 

All submissions must be made through the LCBO’s New Item Submission System (NISS). For new users of NISS, doingbusinesswithlcbo.com offers detailed instructions. An updated overview of the Vintages Purchasing Process is attached, including changes to reduce the amount of paperwork submitted as part of the submission process.

Please note, in accordance with LCBO policy, we will continue to purchase products shipping from source locations.  It is the agent's responsibility to ensure all products submitted adhere to this policy.

Please remember that the LCBO’s Green Initiative is an ongoing corporate priority. Agents and suppliers should note that special consideration will be given to products that are packaged in lightweight glass and/or follow sustainable, biodynamic or organic agricultural practices that meet CFIA standards.

Further call-outs for a successful submission include:

  1. Complete all entry fields accurately in their entirety, including all varietal fields.
  2. Ensure any scores entered into NISS relate to the actual vintage being offered.
  3. Always include the LCBO # in the event the product has previously been released in Vintages.

On behalf of the Vintages team, we thank you for your support. We look forward to working with you and your suppliers to grow our business and continue to offer our customers an outstanding selection of premium product.

Vintages Product Needs

August to October 2022

Vintages Purchasing Process