Given the recent marketplace expansion to eligible convenience stores, we are excited to announce reporting enhancements to better serve your analysis by breaking out convenience shipment data into its own channel for data tracking purposes.

The new field CON_QTY will be added at the end of the following data options files:

Option 1A

Option 1B

Option 2 (weekly/weekly with daily update)

Option 3

Option 4 (weekly/weekly with daily update)

Option 5

The CON_QTY (Convenience) field will provide the shipment quantity on an aggregate level for all convenience stores. Previously at launch this shipment type was grouped under SQTY_GRO and SQTY_OTH.

Updated record layouts can be found on our SOD Reference Material page. Please note this change will take effect for October 26 reporting onwards. You must update any scripts and record layouts to match the new layouts to ensure your data is properly aligned.

If you have any questions, please contact or visit

Thank you for your ongoing support.